Jun 07 2021 04:59 PM
When viewing a customer's details in the calendar it displays information from a different booking.
This seems to be an issue with the query, potentially affected by multiple staff members accessing the (web) calendar at the same time.
Jun 07 2021 05:45 PM
Jun 07 2021 07:39 PM
SolutionI have managed to replicate the issue (PSR attached)
It stems from multiple bookings being made across a time slot that share the same email address.
Imagine, in this scenario, a teacher wants to book in 5 students for an appointment and uses her own email (teacher@Contoso.org)
Using MS bookings she makes 5 bookings for her students with the local nurse, but uses her own email to keep track of the students appointment details.
A student wishes to update the booking with their own email address and details so they can manage the booking themselves, they are not able to due to MS bookings referencing the email of the teacher alongside the other four bookings/students.
Remedy; when booking multiple people ensure you use unique email addresses.
However, Microsoft will need to address this as it causes a cascading issue with other bookings that reference that same email address (such as multiple personnel making bookings with a shared email)
Jun 07 2021 07:39 PM
SolutionI have managed to replicate the issue (PSR attached)
It stems from multiple bookings being made across a time slot that share the same email address.
Imagine, in this scenario, a teacher wants to book in 5 students for an appointment and uses her own email (teacher@Contoso.org)
Using MS bookings she makes 5 bookings for her students with the local nurse, but uses her own email to keep track of the students appointment details.
A student wishes to update the booking with their own email address and details so they can manage the booking themselves, they are not able to due to MS bookings referencing the email of the teacher alongside the other four bookings/students.
Remedy; when booking multiple people ensure you use unique email addresses.
However, Microsoft will need to address this as it causes a cascading issue with other bookings that reference that same email address (such as multiple personnel making bookings with a shared email)