Deleting a Booking calendar breaks everything

Steel Contributor

I created a test Bookings calendar to play around with it. When I was done, I followed the instructions to delete that calendar:


This completely broke my Bookings app and I cannot use it any longer. And I can't or don't know how to create a new calendar.



2 Replies

@Daniel Niccoli 

I have a customer with a similar issue. We deleted 3 test Bookings calendars they had created. The deletion was done using powershell. Now they can't access any calendars in Bookings. The interface still shows the name of one of the calendars that was removed. When they try to search for any other calendars they get the message "Please narrow your search and try again". I have confirmed they still have permissions to other Bookings calendars, but this doesn't seem to be a permissions issue because if I search for one of their other calendars, I can still at least see it in search results. They have permissions to these other calendars and can't even get that far. It's like something is corrupted.

@Daniel Niccoli The problem is happening becasue the app is trying to load a calendar which is already deleted. Can you please try opening Bookings web app again from or by directly going to This should take you to an onboarding page for Bookings and you should be able to create a new calendar from here by clicking on the 'Get started' button as shown the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 1.33.51 PM.png