Colleague cannot see appointments in the online Bookings calendar

Copper Contributor

I use a shared bookingspage with 2 colleagues. All of us deliver the same  2 services: online IT support and face-to-face IT support. Windows 10 platform, browser Edge and Chrome.

  • One of those 2 colleagues can not see any bookingappointments in the Bookingscalendar (even not her own).
    • Fortunately, in her own Outlook calendar she can find those booked appointments. 
    • In her own online Bookings-Staff page she does! see here "Upcoming appointments".
    • I myself do see all booking appointments, and so her booking appointments too.
    • In the online calendar on the left site, under Calendar filters > Staff , she ticks the checkmark near her name.

Anyone any idea what is going on here?

Kind Regards.

3 Replies
We are experiencing the same issue. Except all three of our admins are not able to see any services. We noticed this yesterday. If we create a new service it disappears too.
We are experiencing similar issues with the filters not sticking to display staff and services. Also some users are not showing on the calendar. I have been directing my users to work with Bookings in Teams rather than use the web app. Bookings within Teams appears to be more stable.

I'm having the same issues. Filters aren't sticking on the backend and on the frontend, one of our staff's availability is showing some of the time, other times it is just "loading" and unavailable.