Bookings - Time zone on booking page issue

Copper Contributor



I'm currently having an issue with one of our booking pages with the timezone. 

The booking page is for an event located in Europe but our customers are all around the world so by default the booking page was set up to show the time slots in the business timezone. 


However, we started having issues with some of our clients not being able to book an appointment and having the error: "Someone beat you to it. This time is no longer available. Please choose another one."



However, the time slots are available in the calendar both for the event and the staff assigned to it.

When unselecting the "Always show time slots in business timezone" option in the page setting the issue vanishes. 


With "Always show time slots in business timezone" unselected:


Timeslots here are correct and  the service is available


With "Always show time slots in business timezone" selected:


Timeslots here a shifted an hour and are incorrect, users will have an error if they try to book it. 


Despite both timezone being the same the timeslots are somehow shifted and the booking page is unusable. The easy fix is to unselect the "Always show [...]" but then customers will see the time slot in their local time zone and it can be confusing as it's a physical event we're booking here. 


Has anyone had this issue before? Is there a fix for it?


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