Bookings not showing Customer info in Calendar Event Title and in Outlook Calendar

Copper Contributor

We have set up a bookings page under a shared inbox. When someone books a service, the calendar event is given the name of that service and nothing else. This has lead to confusion since we have multiple events with the same name. 


Ideally, there would be something unique in the calendar event name, like the Customer's name or the Customer's company name. From reading through this forum it seems like this is something Bookings used to do? Is there some setting I'm just not seeing? 


Additionally, we cannot see the Customer's details when looking at the event in Outlook calendar. Like I mentioned, we are using a shared inbox email address so we have just all added that user's calendar to our views. The only way to see what Customer booked with us is by logging into the Bookings app. Is there a work around for this? 

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