Bookings: Limit the number of concurrent services and identify WFH staff during Covid-19 operations

Copper Contributor

Under Covid-19 operations which include strict social distancing guidelines, we need to be able to:

1. Limit the number of service appointments happening at the same time (i.e. only 2 customers are allowed on premises at any given time, yet more Agents will be present and available to assist/free in their Calendar)

2. Easily identify Staff working from home right from the Bookings Calendar (i.e. setting "working elsewhere" in Outlook calendar does not appear in Bookings Calendar)


Schedules change on daily basis so adding/removing Staff from services as a workaround is not practical/possible. Fairness in assigning appointments is also a big consideration.


Limiting the number of services happening concurrently (regardless of staff availability) is definitely a higher priority. 


Any suggestion is much appreciated. Thank you! :smile:

1 Reply
I need exactly this to book scarce equipment to the availability of a bigger pool of staff. In my case we have 3 telescopes but 10 rooms you can use it in. Rooms = staff with availability calendars and the telescope is the service. Once 3 are booked out there will be available rooms left but the service of telescope should no longer be available for the slot.

Same in business say you have 10 besties therapists who can do leg waxes and add them all to the service so a customer can select preferred therapist, but there’s only 3 waxing benches - need to limit to 3 concurrent uses of this service (despite more staff being available/skilled to do it).