Nov 15 2017 02:07 PM
Nov 15 2017 02:07 PM
Just started to have a look at bookings, mainly for internal training workshops and not for external customers. I am wondering if we can lock down access to the published calendar to only authenticated users?
Nov 23 2017 12:05 PM
I'm also looking at the same use case and wanted to know if access could be locked down for internal use only.
Dec 18 2017 06:19 AM
Jan 06 2018 11:31 PM
Jan 06 2018 11:31 PM
To expand the use case, it should not be limited to O365 users on our tenant if we enable authenticated users.
We have a use case where we would like to provide Bookings to external customers, but we don't want random users to create bookings. As such, could we have a method to create customers in Bookings itself, a bit like Yammer allows you to invite external users to your Yammer network.
Mar 15 2018 06:00 AM
Mar 20 2018 06:37 AM
Apr 04 2018 03:27 AM
I would also like to know if there is a way to block users, we don't want the issue where everyone wants a booking for e.g. "jobs".
Our bookings tab should be solely used for new or existing clients wanting a service.
Aug 06 2018 01:30 AM
we have a similar requirement, is to make bookings service available for authenticated users only