Approvals for bookings?

Not applicable

Is there a plan to enable an approval/edit step before a booking is confirmed?


For example, if the user does not provide sufficient information, or we want to change the chosen staff member, or for whatever other reason, we would like to have a chance to validate the information in the booking before confirming it to the customer.

3 Replies

HI Ivo,


Thanks for your question.

We do not have plans for that at the moment but you can suggest it in UserVoice.


However, you can modify and add specific questions for information that is required. You can make those questions "required" so no one would be able to book an appointment without completing that.


To do this:

1. Go into "Services" in the left nav

2. Click on "Modify" under "Custom Fields"

3. Make sure the "Required" box  on the right is ticked.


I hope this helps!



but how to validate the information (fake information)

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