Microsoft Bing needs re-design!

Brass Contributor

Hello everyone! How are you
At the same time that we are receiving support for the AI algorithm and attracting new users to BIng, it would not hurt to bring a cleaner and more aligned interface, highlighting the Bing logo and helping to an easy association, so I created a concept image myself. (simple, but direct)

Inserir um subtítulo.png

Some concepts that I find interesting to change

  • Centralize the search bar to the middle of the user page
  • Remove excess text and remove specific search buttons, bringing them down the search bar
  • Change the 3 dashes of configuration for the user's photo
  • Add a dark theme to bing

Finally, this image is merely conceptual, given that my design is not "perfect" having flaws of font and proportion in the standard image of the user I used generic.

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