Mar 27 2024 03:35 PM
I'm hoping to soon submit an addin for Excel, which I'd like to provide in a 'basic' and 'pro' feature set, where the 'pro' feature set is enabled by purchasing a subscription. Is it still correct that I have to do that by:
- creating an Azure tenant
- creating a SaaS application in Azure, using Microsoft's licensing
- link the addin submission to the SaaS application in Partner Center?
If so, what is the charging model for that? I guess that every time my addin starts, it has to check with the saas end-point to see if the user has a valid subscription. Is there any cost associated with that checking - i.e. does it count towards the number of 'hits' / logins my Azure subscription allows?
Ideally, I'd be charged a small % of the subscription fee, with no per-usage charging of any form...
Mar 27 2024 06:00 PM
Mar 28 2024 02:26 AM