Using Azure Email Communication Service to Send Messages


If you're looking for an email service capable of handling large volumes of email to external recipients, Microsoft will propose Email Communication Services (ECS). Built on top of Exchange Online, ECS shares some characteristics with the High Volume Email (HVE) solution. After testing both, HVE is probably a better solution if you have a Microsoft 365 tenant.

3 Replies
Great post Tony!
Do you have any insight in the cost of HVE? Do they cost per- account?

If standing at a crossroads between HVE, ECS or a third party SMTP relay for system-generated emails that will be sent to both internal and external recipients.

Oliwer Sundgren
It will be pay by use. I'm pretty sure of that. I posted a comparison between the two options on today.
Wonderful, thanks for that, I'll give that a read 🙂
