Scheduling Teams Meetings as Delegate for another mailbox.

Copper Contributor



Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.


Person A has "Send As, "Send on Behalf" & "Full Access" delegate permissions for Person B's mailbox


Person A has "Editor" access rights for Person B's calendar ("Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity PersonB:\Calendar" . . . >> Carried out change via PowerShell)


Person A has "Editor" access rights for Person's B whole container ("Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity PersonB" . . . >> Carried out change via PowerShell)


Person A when scheduling Teams Meetings via Outlook Calendar for Person B is getting the following error below


Text: Looks like you don't have permission to schedule meetings for this account. Talk to the owner to get permission and try again.




Ending Question:


Is anyone aware of any changes that can be made without having to involve the users/owner of the calendar to allow this?


Person B is a high-level member of staff that isn't really available around the clock. Ideally, we would like this to be done backend.

4 Replies



I'm pretty sure that you have to do the delegation from Outlook and that you can't use powershell for this. When adding access with powershell you will only delegate the calendar and not the ability to create meetings in Teams. 


Hi Linus, 


Thank you for getting back to me on this. Do you have a guide on how to do this for a user on a Mac? 

As in giving someone delegate access? I've already followed the relevant steps in the following help guide for some context on what's been done:


Any help's appreciated!


Sweaty C

@SweatyColombian Sorry, I missed your follow up question.


The link to the guide you sent is for delegating from a Mac Outlook, so that should work.


I started to write some about this and I found some requirements from Microsoft:


  • Office 2013 or higher
  • Exchange 2013, 2016 or Exchange Online
  • Boss and admin needs to be in same environment
    • Both on-premises or both online
    • Need to be online in the same tenant
  • Meetings on behalf can only be scheduled with Teams Outlook add-in

So make sure that you follow those requirements.

@SweatyColombian I had multiple issues with this and wrote up the troubleshooting/resolutions here: