"Honeycomb" slides layout for multi-directional presentation / mobile app storyboarding

Iron Contributor

Today's PowerPoint organizes the slides in a linear structure -- you edit and play next/previous slide in sequence. This is essentially a 1-D model.


If we turn this into 2-D, then they become a matrix or a "honeycomb", and you can double click on anyone to jump in and view/edit it (sort of like today's "Slider Sorter" view), and use up/down/left/right arrow key to go to any adjacent one in the play mode.


This will turn PowerPoint into a powerful tool to expand an idea in multiple directions and guide a presentation through multiple routes. Just imagine it goes like "We have a problem here (start at center slide), and we have solution A (flip to left slide) or solution B (flip to right slide). B has some advantage (quickly show B's top slide) but that comes at some additional cost (jump to B's bottom slide)..."


This also makes PowerPoint practical enough for mobile app storyboarding (to compete against InVision, Figma...). People are still using PowerPoint to make storyboards but they have to squeeze things into a single slide to show that 2-D layout (what I'm doing right now), but imagine if PowerPoint comes with default screen sized slide design and allows you to just expand into any direction...


Back to work now, but please take this idea!

1 Reply
I see this more and more in other systems and have started using those instead. I would like to see this too.