Problem reading properties in WIA.Imagefile using Excel and MS Access on Windows 11

Copper Contributor

My access database crashes reading image file properties using the Windows Image Acquisition Library 2.0 (wiaaut.dll) on a Windows 11 PC


I am hoping to get help with a code solution or to find someone else who gets a similar failure outcome that can be forwarded to Microsoft


I have been relying on Windows Image Acquisition Library for a couple years now to compile and manage a catalog of photographs with their properties in an MS Access database. Previously, I have had no problems using a PC running Windows 10. Now I have a new PC running Windows 11 and my application crashes (shut down) while collecting image properties from the WIA.Imagefile object. I imported the same code module that has the relevant subroutines into Excel and get the same result. The application crashes. The crash occurs in an apparently random fashion. It scans the same collection of 3800 images repeatedly and I find that the crash can occur anywhere between the first and last image file scanned, It can also occur on any of the 65 or so properties that are offered in the WIA.ImageFile object. I have sufficient error trapping on all the subroutines that are called in the process but no error handling code block is ever entered before the application crashes.


In comparison, these MS Access and Excel applications can read, without issue, the file properties that are made available in the FileSystemObject and in the Shell32 object. 


Relevant tech specs are:

  • The PC is a Dell Inspiron 7700 AIO with 11th gen Intel i7-1165g7 with 32g of RAM, 1TB SSD drive, with 750GB free
  • Running windows 11 Home 10.0.22000 Build 22000
  • I am Using Office 365 Version 2203 Build 15028.20160
  • (I have the same Office 365 build on a Windows 10 PC with no issues)

I have attached a module with the subroutines I use, with hopes that an Access or Excel expert can help me figure this out.



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