Jun 17 2021 04:09 AM
Hello Experts,
As you might already be aware of the amount of logs that are available to search in the security and compliance center are a tad bit limited and in order to be able to get more information related to an activity O365 management activity api is actually recommended.
I have a requirement to fetch some logs related to PowerApps to get a log/alert when an on-prem data gateway connection is established/edited/deleted. I followed the office 365 api article(https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office-365-management-api/office-365-management-activity-api...) and was able to fetch all the logs for the last 1 day using the Audit.general category. However I was unable to find any log related to the data gateway connection. I remember a new connection was created and deleted by a team member. I am looking at all the logs that belong to the workload "PowerApps". Is there something else that needs to be done or a different category altogether where this log might be stored?
Jun 17 2021 09:47 AM