Microsoft 365 Groups - Delivery Management

Copper Contributor

Hello! ^_^


In brief, I attempted to configure delivery management for a Microsoft 365 group and restrict to specific senders. One of the senders is an identity associated with a shared mailbox. From the Exchange admin center, the search results was unable to locate the identity associated with the shared mailbox.


Does Microsoft not support sender restrictions to shared mailboxes, for Microsoft 365 groups? Or am I missing something here? 😞

2 Replies
best response confirmed by MisterD3k (Copper Contributor)
Use PowerShell. But keep in mind that shared mailboxes cannot be logged into directly, so any mail sent from them will be using either Send As or Send on behalf of permissions.



Thanks for the response! In brief, I ran Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity xxx -AcceptMessagesFromOnlyFromSendersOrMembers <> and that worked! I wished the GUI would work, though. 😞


Thanks again! ^_^

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by MisterD3k (Copper Contributor)
Use PowerShell. But keep in mind that shared mailboxes cannot be logged into directly, so any mail sent from them will be using either Send As or Send on behalf of permissions.

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