Information Protection Templates - How to Edit

Iron Contributor

A log time ago we set up templates in Azure Information Protection to restrict who could open Office documents. We can click File, Info, Protect Workbook, Restrict Access, and then it shows the templates to choose from. 


That seems to be replaced by something different. Azure says that nothing can be edited until Unified Labeling has been activated. It also said that once Unified Labeling is activated the labels could be managed in the Compliance Center. 


However, after I activated Unified Labeling, I can't find them in the Compliance Center and everything is read only in Azure. 


How do I get access to the templates?

2 Replies
Hello, this was quite some while ago and kind of surprised you missed it. Anyway, you can read all about it here

If not mentioned in that massive documentation you can use to manage the existing templates.



I will take a look at the PowerShell commands. Since the documentation says they would be migrated I thought I would see them in the Compliance Admin Center.


I think I missed the messages it because I didn't realize we were using Azure Information Protection. We don't use it a lot and the term I had in my head was Information Rights Management so when I saw AIP I would have just ignored it thinking it didn't apply to us. 

