How do I merge a Office 365 Form that I created to input data into Excel format?

Copper Contributor

A form that our company was using to compile data for employee OT requests has a broken link and cannot access it anymore. I have created a new form but do not know how to get the data to update into an Excel spreadsheet. The form is critical for operations and staffing? There are over 500 employees who will submit requests on a daily basis and it needs to automatically update the new data in excel as it is received in order to be processed. Please help me. I have a couple non direct contacts to Microsoft employees here in Seattle but I need to know how to do this myself. I cannot get phone or chat support. Any suggestions would be amazing. 


Operations Specialist

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Hello! You've posted your question in the Tech Community Discussion space, which is intended for discussion around the Tech Community website itself, not product questions. I'm moving your question to the Microsoft 365 space - please post Microsoft 365 questions here in the future.