Folder automapping for account that has been deleted.

Copper Contributor

I've scoured the web and now I'm here to see if anybody has run into this before.  There once was an account in our AD and Office 365 (they are synced) called "Demo User" that my email account was given full access permissions too.  However, it has since been deleted (not disabled).  Despite being deleted, auto mapping is picking it up and linking it to my outlook and continues to do so regardless of what PC I log into.  If I click on the folder in outlook, I get the error "The set of folders cannot be opened" 


I know how to remove full access in both powershell and EAC under normal circumstances, but demo user exists nowhere therefore the normal route for removing full access permissions isn't an option.  Things I've tried:


  • Right click and "Close Demo User" - "This group of folders is associated with an e-mail account. To remove the account, click the File Tab, and on the Info tab, click Account Settings. Select the e-mail account, and then click Remove."
  • Logging into different computers - same results
  • Deleting outlook profile multiple times - same results
  • Going into account settings>More Setting for linked mailboxes - it's blank. 
  • Ran a list of all accounts with granted Full Access permissions on PS to see if I'm missing something - nothing there. 
  • Ran a list of all mailboxes in PS to see if I'm missing a mailbox somewhere - nothing. 

This has been on here for about a year and I ignored it for a while because it wasn't a nuisance. Now that I am actually trying to get rid of it and I can't figure it out, it's going to drive me nuts! haha. If I had to guess, there's something on my account that needs to get cleaned up and I am falling short on finding info on how to do that.  Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!

7 Replies
You need to clear the msExchDelegateListBL attribute on your AD user account. You can use AD Users and Computers in Advanced View or ADSI Edit.

@Victor Ungureanu 


Thanks for your reply! I appreciate your help.  I am not seeing that attribute listed on my account.  I've attached a picture showing this.  Any other thoughts?


2019-03-15 15_12_35- Properties.png

@regen_lweeks Click on the Filter button and enable Backlinks


Annotation 2019-03-15 215337.jpg

What I notice is that the attribute msExchDelegateListBL is read-only, so you won't be able to clear it.

I guess you still need to check using powershell get-mailboxpermissions and remove-mailboxpermissions.

@Victor Ungureanu 


I appreciate your help on this.   I just re-opened my outlook and it was gone... I have no clue what I did since I was playing around with it for a few hours early today and then hadn't done anything else.  There must have been a delay in something I had tried and it didn't take effect right away.  I wish I knew what I did to fix it to help someone else out.  Thanks again for attempting to help me fix this! Have a great weekend. 

@regen_lweeks The delay is introduced by the fact that Outlook picked whatever change you made through Autodiscover and Autodiscover usually runs once every hour in the background. Only after Outlook performed a successful autodiscover on your mailbox you got to see the effect of your configuration changes.


P.S. Interesting post explaining why the backlinks (msExchDelegateListBL) in AD are read only:

msExchDelegateListBL attribute is responsible, you can use AD Users and Computers in Advanced View or ADSI Edit.