Aug 02 2018 01:40 PM
FYI we announced the following via Message Center today:
Aug 30 2018 12:24 PM
How do I "Stay Informed" or find "Additional Information"?
Sep 04 2018 01:37 PM
Tony please go the Message Center (Admin > Health) for more details and links
Sep 05 2018 06:48 AM
Hi @cfiessinger
Since we can now set the language of a SharePoint Team site at the time of creation, this is our preferred way of provisioning groups. However, this language information is not passed to the mailbox creation process.
@Mark-Kashman answered me that it should flow through but @ssquires said it would not for now 😞
What would be the best way to have the Outlook welcome message in French when the default tenant language is English?
If I scipt an update of the language right after creation of the site, will the welcome message be in the proper language?
If yes, can I invoke a Flow to do that and is there a connector for that?