Unable to modidy Group addresses via PowerShell


There seems to be some ongoing issue with the Set-UnifiedGroup and the -PrimarySmtpAddress/-EmailAddresses parameters, meaning we are unable to update the SMTP addresses for groups. No matter how many variations I try, I end up getting:


"We failed to update the unified group. Please try again later."


I know it's not just me, as this issue was reported over at the TechNet forums. Here's the original thread: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/msonline/en-US/d238a421-6db6-441a-ae43-496f5b78a1af/unab...


@cfiessinger @Sahil Arora are you guys aware of any issues?

2 Replies
Thanks for reporting the issue, the recommendation is to contact support to get this addressed ASAP.

We are working on the fix. Thanks for reporting this issue.