Nov 22 2017 07:25 AM
Is it now possible to create two different document libraries in the site of a group and have different sets of permissions for those libraries?
My scenario is that I have created a group... then I need to give two sets of external users access to the groups...but then have one set of external users who can see all files in two different document libraries but the other set would only see files in one document library.
Is this now possible?
Nov 22 2017 07:42 AM
If what you want is to have different sets of Group guest members then this is not possible.
If instead, you want to share the two libraries to two different sets of external users, then this should be possible.
Nov 22 2017 07:56 AM
Hi Salvatore, I have 8 external users in my group , I want 6 of these users to be able to see the all files in 2 document libraries whilst the other 2 will only be able to see the files in 1 document library - so in essence I'm restricting 2 external users from being able to see files in one document library
Nov 22 2017 08:01 AM
I don't think this is possible: fiddling with Group members permissions is not a good idea...
But perhaps @TonyRedmond can help you.
Nov 22 2017 08:05 AM
I wouldn't amend the permissions for a site used by a group. There are two many places to go wrong. If you want customized permissions, use a traditional team site and do your merry best...
Nov 22 2017 08:22 AM
Thanks, Tony.
Or, I would add, he can perhaps simply create two different Groups...
Nov 22 2017 09:03 AM
Thanks all, I guess I knew as I was writng this deep down that it would need to be a classic team site 🙂
Shame as the group owner is using the group conversations and planner, one note etc but is adamant that one doc library needs to be restricted for a coupel of users 😞
Nov 22 2017 09:13 AM
It's a swing and roundabouts kind of situation. On the plus side, you get easy access to all the resources connected to a group. On the downside, you accept that group permissions are simple and divided into owners and members, but everyone has the same access to content., The same applies to Teams.
If you can live with the simplicity of the model, there is a lot to like about the usefulness it brings to Groups, Planner, Teams, and the other group-enabled apps.