Sep 20 2019 11:59 AM
I am trying to share folder from Office 365 group to internal user that is obviously not part of this group. I can share, user receives email but next thing I receive I have to provide user with minimum of read access to entire Sharepoint site. I want them to access specific folder not all files and folders. I don't understand if you can normally share OneDrive personal files and folders without someone giving access to all of them why group cannot do this? Both use SharePoint site for storing files and folders so what difference does it make when it comes to sharing?
Sep 20 2019 12:21 PM
Sep 20 2019 12:30 PM
@adam deltinger I clicked "share", selected "Specific people" and typed email addresses of those users. They receive email saying "Hey so and so shared folder with you, click here to open" and once they click to open sharepoint page comes up and says "access denied", request access.