Is there a way to change O365 group email address using powershell

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My organization wants to change email address of O365 group.  I am not able to find any power shell to change email address of already created O365 group.   I tried below command but it is not working. 


Set-unifiedgroup -identity  testo365 -primarysmtpaddress


Can someone please provide your thoughts on this. 

37 Replies

Hi Yahkoob


Thanks for this. And I figured this is why it doesn't change. However we would like it to display in lowercase as it's our company name and it's officially spelled lowercase. If you have a solution great. If not we have to live with it, like with many other "imperfections" :)

Hi Susan,
Yes It is possible, you can add new email ID and you can promote your new Email ID as an SMTP and you can remove your Old Email ID. But performing this steps, you need a global Administrator access.

Please follow below Steps to change Office 365 group Email address:-

Current SMTP address :-
Required SMTP address :-

Follow the below steps in power shell using Global Administrator Credentials,

1. Connect to Exchange Online via Power shell using Global Administrator Credentials and run the below commends. First two command run separately.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Start-service winrm

Import-module MSOnline
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Connect-MsolService -Credential $UserCredential

2. Run the below command to add required SMTP address as an alias.
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "X" -EmailAddresses: @{Add ="Y"}
here X is the Display Name of Office 365 group and Y is the required Email ID.
Eg:- Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test o365Group" -EmailAddresses: @{Add =""}

3. Promote alias as a primary SMTP address,
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test O365Group" -PrimarySmtpAddress ""

4. Remove first ID using below command.
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test o365Group" -EmailAddresses: @{Remove=""}

5. Again Add required Email Address
Eg:- Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test o365Group" -EmailAddresses: @{Add =""}

6. Promote alias as a primary SMTP address,
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test O365Group" -PrimarySmtpAddress ""

7. Remove first ID using below command.
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Test o365Group" -EmailAddresses: @{Remove=""}

Please note, For updating the Office 365 group SMTP address required Global Administrator access.Hope this will help you and let me know if you are facing any issue on this.

Thanks and Regards,
Yahkoob Ayappally

Worked like a charm, Sweet

Thx ever so much!

Hi Yahkoob,


I asked last year something like that and you answer me but what I really need is to change all O365-Groups which are have been created in the past (not my past) with the wrong email addresses something like this, how could be posible to use your script but for all O365 and not only one or two. Thank you so much. 


Best regards,


Hi Luciano,

Take this script
Change the $Mailboxes line from @(Get-Mailbox ...) to @(Get-UnifiedGroup...)
Also change at the end to Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $Mailbox.Alias ...
Then run it like .\Add-SMTPAddresses.ps1 -Domain -MakePrimary -Commit

Tested today and it works. Enjoy! ^_^

Thanks Yahkoob!


All your steps worked for except the last one to remove the email address. For some reason I am not able to remove the old email address associated with the group. I have attached the command I am using and message that I am getting. 


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "xxxxxx - Technical" -EmailAddresses: @{Remove=""}
WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of 'xxx_23d3be76e5' have been modified.


Thanks for your help. 

Old thread but I had this issue and couldn't see the answer here.
The solution is: you need to use lowercase "smtp" rather than "SMTP".
Uppercase "SMTP" indicates the primary email address.

Hi There,


Yes there is a way that you can make that change. Please take a look at the PowerShell script below.


PowerShell ISE is strongly recommended. (Copy Paste as it is and Run)


Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
Write-Output "======================================================="
Write-host "======== CONFIGURING O365 GROUP EMAIL ADDRESS =========" -foreground "yellow"
Write-Output "======================================================="
$oldEmail=read-host "Which O365 Group email address do you want to edit? Ex:"
$newEmail=read-host "Please enter the new email address for $oldEmail Ex:"
Set-Group -Identity $oldEmail -WindowsEmailAddress $newEmail
Write-Output "======================================================="
Write-host "=============== COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ================" -foreground "green"
Write-Output "======================================================="
Get-Group -Identity $newEmail | select display*,windows*


Once you run this scrript you will be asked to import to the module please choose yes to all to allow the necessary modules and then log in. After your log in you will be asked to provide the current email of the group and after that you will be asked to type the new email. Within 2 minutes the change will apply and you can see it on your EAC and please close your browser and re-open it and sign into,com and the changes will appear under groups on Admin portal as well.


Very thank you! You save me! 

Thanks this worked perfectly.  I did have to wait a couple of minutes between commands though for them to be fully actioned on o365, running them immediately gave errors.

@Yahkoob Ayappally Thank you.


To all others, notice this method won't change the URL of group's SharePoint site.


There seems to be a pilot program to let you rename sp site's url. The latest sp shell cmdlet also includes `Start-SPOSiteRename` command. But for now, we are still at the mercy of MicroSoft to make it available.


@Likun Chen 

After looking through all the comments, I believe I may have found a slightly simpler method. 


  • The following example is assuming that your current Office 365 Group email address looks something like this: - This is considered a MOERA address.


  • The example is also assuming that when you replace the existing email address that you are going to replace it with a custom domain address like this:


Here we go!


1. You can start right away with adding a primary SMTP by using this:

Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Your Group Name" -PrimarySmtpAddress


The step above should automatically replace your current primary SMTP address and move the current primary address into an alias slot. You can verify this by going into the Office 365 Admin Center (make sure you refresh it) and viewing the group settings. Also, "" in the step above refers to your custom domain address.


2. Now if you want to remove the old primary address which is now an alias (it's the alias with in the name), you will need to run a combination add/remove command based on the -EmailAddresses cmdlet. Basically your primary address was most likely a MOERA address like - And according to what I've tried, Microsoft requires that either your Primary address or one of your Aliases have * in the address. To accomplish this you can run...


Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Group Name" -EmailAddresses @{add="";remove=""}


Please note: the Curly brackets or Braces in the command above are meant to be included in the script


So to recap if you have only one Office 365 Group email address (no aliases) and you want to replace the current address


1. Add a primary address with your custom domain using -PrimarySmtpAddress

2. Add a new alias and remove the old one in the same command using -EmailAddresses



@Likun Chen 

Generally speaking, site URL can now be edited via the SP Admin Center

Thank you @Michael Malloy. Just changed the url in thew new SP admin center.

@Yahkoob Ayappally Worked like a charm :) Nice, easy and simple to follow.  Thank you.

You can use the following method to change the PrimarySMTPAddress of many groups at once. 


First, you may want to use a -Filter to define a list of groups rather than applying this to ALL groups. In my case I used a list of test groups filtering them by DisplayName. 



Get-UnifiedGroup -Filter {DisplayName -like "O365Test*"}




Once you have your list, pipe it into a Foreach-Object loop and apply the new PrimarySMTPAddress like this - see my note below about my concerns with this before proceeding. 



Get-UnifiedGroup -Filter {DisplayName -like "O365Test*"} | Foreach-Object { Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $_.Name -PrimarySmtpAddress "$($_.Alias)"}




I'm not a PowerShell expert. So please, test in a lab!!!


We only had a couple dozen Office 365 Groups so I applied the new PrimarySMTPAddress globally. 


Get-UnifiedGroup | Foreach-Object { Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $_.Name -PrimarySmtpAddress "$($_.Alias)"}



A little background as to how I landed here... We have an Exchange Hybrid deployment with Centralized Mail Flow, on premise. This is because we have services on prem for compliance, archiving, signatures, mailing lists, marketing, etc. Our MX record points to our Exchange Server (well, actually our Barracuda ESG). We have an Edge server which is explicitly used for mail flow between On Prem and Exchange Online to avoid the need to expose our Exchange Server's SMTP to the internet (we were advised not to place the Barracuda between Exchange Server and Exchange Online mail flow, that's why there's an Edge server). The Edge server works great as long as it's NOT an Office 365 Group. Emailing O365 Groups (or Teams) from any on-prem Mailbox resulted in a Mail Loop. After investigation, it was revealed Exchange Hybrid doesn't know how to handle Office 365 groups, even with Group Writeback enabled. I tried modifying the "targetAddress attribute of the group (since we have Group Writeback enabled) in Active Directory with no success. However, updating the PrimarySMTPAddress of the Group to our domain worked perfectly. It was determined our Exchange Server simply routes emails destined for these groups to the internet, ignoring any Send Connectors configured for Exchange Hybrid. I have no idea why this occurs, but a consultant was able to recreate this behavior. For now, we decided to create a groups domain,, and add it as an accepted InternalRelay domain on-prem. I also created an Email Address Policy in Exchange Online for any future groups that are created. Unfortunately this didn't update any of the existing Groups. And that's how I landed here. Posting in case anyone else needs this info. Cheers.


You can use the following method to change the PrimarySMTPAddress of many groups at once. You may want to use a -Filter to define a list of groups rather than applying this to ALL groups. In my case I used a list of test groups filtering them by DisplayName before applying this to all of my groups. 

Get-UnifiedGroup -Filter {DisplayName -like "O365Test*"}

Then pipe it into a Foreach-Object loop and apply the new PrimarySMTPAddress.

Get-UnifiedGroup -Filter {DisplayName -like "O365Test*"} | Foreach-Object { Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $_.Name -PrimarySmtpAddress "$($_.Alias)"}

We only had a couple dozen Office 365 Groups so I applied the new PrimarySMTPAddress globally. 

Get-UnifiedGroup | Foreach-Object { Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity $_.Name -PrimarySmtpAddress "$($_.Alias)"}

A little background as to how I landed here... We have an Exchange Hybrid deployment with Centralized Mail Flow, on premise. This is because we have services on prem for compliance, archiving, signatures, mailing lists, marketing, etc. Our MX record points to our Exchange Server (well, actually our Barracuda ESG). We have an Edge server which is explicitly used for mail flow between On Prem and Exchange Online to avoid the need to expose our Exchange Server's SMTP to the internet (we were advised not to place the Barracuda between Exchange Server and Exchange Online mail flow, that's why there's an Edge server). The Edge server works great as long as it's NOT an Office 365 Group. Emailing O365 Groups (or Teams) from any on-prem Mailbox resulted in a Mail Loop. After investigation, it was revealed Exchange Hybrid doesn't know how to handle Office 365 groups, even with Group Writeback enabled. I tried modifying the "targetAddress attribute of the group (since we have Group Writeback enabled) in Active Directory with no success. However, updating the PrimarySMTPAddress of the Group to our domain worked perfectly. It was determined our Exchange Server simply routes emails destined for these groups to the internet, ignoring any Send Connectors configured for Exchange Hybrid. I have no idea why this occurs, but a consultant was able to recreate this behavior. For now, we decided to create a groups domain,, and add it as an accepted InternalRelay domain on-prem. I also created an Email Address Policy in Exchange Online for any future groups that are created. Unfortunately this didn't update any of the existing Groups. And that's how I landed here. Posting in case anyone else needs this info. Cheers.

Tankyou so much for posting Yahkoob Ayappally, be blessed