Jul 26 2017 02:25 AM
We startet using Office 365 groups and I find it a bit confusing that a user can be either member, owner or both of a group in Office 365, while being owner basically seems to include the member status. We recently had users removed from groups through the Office 365 admin center only to find out that they were still part of some groups because they were one of the owners. Or we didn't event see they were part of a group because they were only set as owner but not as member. How are we supposed to identify groups that a users owns and therefore is also a member of? I was expecting to see a combined view in the user settings in the Admin center but this does not show groups where a user is "just" an owner. There is probably a PowerShell way but that isn't a convenient way to use for everyone so I am specifically looking for a way through the web management portal. Did we miss something here?
Best regards,
Jul 26 2017 05:33 AM
SolutionJul 26 2017 10:45 AM
Just to add how to easily get the list of Groups for which a particular user is Owner:
Get-Recipient -Filter "ManagedBy -eq 'CN=user,OU=domain.onmicrosoft.com,OU=Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations,DC=EURPR03A001,DC=prod,DC=outlook,DC=com'" -RecipientTypeDetails GroupMailbox
where the long string in the Filter value is the DN (distinguished name) attribute of the user.
Jul 30 2017 03:42 AM
Most might not like to type in a distinguished name. To make this easier, extract the DN for a mailbox to a varible and use that in the filter.
$Dn = (Get-Mailbox -Id TRedmond).DistinguishedName
Get-Recipient -Filter "ManagedBy -eq '$DN'" -RecipientTypeDetails GroupMailbox
Unless of course you really like typing in long and complex strings...
Jul 26 2017 05:33 AM