Identify group owner by SMTP Address?

Copper Contributor

Is their a way to identify by SMTP address the group owner at all, or at least the smtp address which created the group in 365?


Running the get-unifiedgroup | export-csv .\o365groups.csv shows the managed by field as the display name.



Within our tenant we have 86 different smtp domains, and I'm looking to pull a report to highlight O365 groups createdby a users from a particular smtp domain within our tenant


Thanks for any help in advance.

3 Replies

To get a proper answer on who creted a Group, you will have to look at the Audit logs. To get the SMTP address of the owner/manager, use something like:


Get-UnifiedGroupLinks groupname -LinkType owner | select DisplayName,Alias,PrimarySmtpAddress

To search the audit log for group creation events, you look for "add group". For example:


Search-UnifiedAuditGroup -Operations "add group" -StartDate "01-Jul-2017 00:00" -EndDate "30-Jul-2017 13:00" -Formatted


Unfortunately, the group name is in the AuditData property, which is not as nicely formatted as you'd like. The user who created the group is listed in the UserIds property.

Vasil and I chatted about extracting some nicely formatted information from the audit records, He is much better at PowerShell than I am, but together we came up with some hacked together code to look for audit records for group creation and then output the information about who created the groups. Here's the code.


$i = 0
$GroupName = $Null
$Records = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate 1-Jul-2017 -EndDate "30-Jul-2017 13:00" -Operations "add group"
ForEach ($r in $Records)
$temp = ($Records[$i].AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json)
$temphash = @{}
$temp.ExtendedProperties | % { $temphash[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
$GroupName = ($temphash["DisplayName"] -replace '(\[.*\]).*(\[.*\])', '$2').Replace("[","").Trim("`]; ")
Write-host $r.userids "created the" $Groupname "group on" $r.creationdate


The output is something like: created the Ignite 2017 group on 30/07/2017 11:43:34


Now, if anyone else wants to improve matters, hack away...