Home.aspx getting some content

Not applicable

Today the homepage of a Group (https://TENANT.sharepoint.com/sites/GROUP/SitePages/Home.aspx) was populated with both Quick links (that I could add things to) and Site activites (seems to be from Delve).


2016-09-13 10_00_37.png

(sorry for the Swedish screenshot)


Not sure if it was rolled back as I cant find it anymore (the page is blank again as it have been the last days)...

3 Replies
Works, thanks for sharing

Seems to be quite responsive also:

2016-09-13 09_59_44.png

I have already seen this when editing the home page of a Group...funny thing in one of my tenants is that I cannot publish the modificacions I have done on the page...something by the way that's working as expected in a regular SPO Team site