Mar 07 2017 08:00 AM
The "welcome" email sent to me as group admin when I create a new group contains a link to "View Group Files and Activity", however, when I click this link, it leads to an error page with the following error:
Office 365
Your request couldn't be completed. Please try again. If the problem continues, contact your email admin.
The actual URL of the link is as follows (I've removed the group and domain name for privacy):
The other links contained in the email (Start a convo, Calendar, Connect to apps) work properly, however.
Can anyone else confirm this behavior?
Mar 07 2017 11:44 AM
SolutionSeems to work fine for Groups in my tenant and another one I tried. Perhaps it was a temporary glitch? Or the Group was created too soon and SPO still hasnt provisioned the Files part.
Mar 07 2017 12:58 PM
Bob is your mailbox in Exchange Online? Can you access the new files experience in Outlook on the web?
Mar 07 2017 02:27 PM
Mar 07 2017 08:25 PM
Mar 07 2017 08:26 PM
Mar 07 2017 11:44 AM
SolutionSeems to work fine for Groups in my tenant and another one I tried. Perhaps it was a temporary glitch? Or the Group was created too soon and SPO still hasnt provisioned the Files part.