Group Email by Domain Users

Copper Contributor

I recently switched from GSuite/Google Workplace.  Google was fairly easy to administer and I'm finding Microsoft a little more difficult.


In Google, I could easily create a distribution group and allow anyone in my organization (domain user) to email the group, but only the members could read/receive the emails.  I use this for department emails.


How can I go about this in M365?  I do not want to enable external senders completely, as I do not want anyone outside my organization emailing that group.


On another note, if there is a guide somewhere that shows Google vs Microsoft ways of doing things, I'd love to see it.


Appreciate the help!


6 Replies

What you are asking for is the default behavior in O365, for both "traditional" distribution groups and "modern" Office 365 groups. There's no need to configure anything.

@VasilMichev I continue to get NDRs when sending a message to one of these groups.  It is just a Unified or new distribution group.


Here is the distribution list config in case I have inadvertently configured it incorrectly.


I appreciate the help


RunspaceId                             : 2a2eaf8e-7422-4792-bd80-a6bb8a520a3d
AccessType                             : Private
AuditLogAgeLimit                       : 90.00:00:00
AutoSubscribeNewMembers                : True
AlwaysSubscribeMembersToCalendarEvents : True
CalendarMemberReadOnly                 :
CalendarUrl                            :
Database                               : NAMPR19DG029-db093
ExchangeGuid                           : 78c028d9-4bb9-4760-bcc2-99de1e5902a0
FileNotificationsSettings              :
GroupSKU                               : Default
InboxUrl                               :
IsExternalResourcesPublished           : True
IsMailboxConfigured                    : True
Language                               : en-US
MailboxProvisioningConstraint          :
ManagedByDetails                       : {*****}
Notes                                  :
PeopleUrl                              :
PhotoUrl                               :
ServerName                             : mn2pr19mb3007
SharePointSiteUrl                      :
SharePointDocumentsUrl                 :
SharePointNotebookUrl                  :
SubscriptionEnabled                    : True
WelcomeMessageEnabled                  : True
ConnectorsEnabled                      : True
IsMembershipDynamic                    : False
Classification                         :
GroupPersonification                   :
YammerEmailAddress                     :
GroupMemberCount                       : 17
MailboxRegion                          :
GroupExternalMemberCount               : 0
AllowAddGuests                         : True
WhenSoftDeleted                        :
HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled       : False
ExpirationTime                         :
DataEncryptionPolicy                   :
ResourceProvisioningOptions            : {}
ResourceBehaviorOptions                : {}
ServiceEndpointUris                    : {}
SensitivityLabel                       :
InPlaceHolds                           : {}
EmailAddresses                         : {smtp:*******
                                         , SMTP:*******}
PrimarySmtpAddress                     : ********
Name                                   : all_4c001ab1-f883-41b9-8fc9-26765a852f
DisplayName                            : All Staff
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled     : True
ModerationEnabled                      : False
SendModerationNotifications            : Always
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled      : False
BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers   : {}
ModeratedBy                            : {}
GroupType                              : Universal
IsDirSynced                            : False
ManagedBy                              : {****}
MigrationToUnifiedGroupInProgress      : False
HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled           : False
ExpansionServer                        :
ReportToManagerEnabled                 : False
ReportToOriginatorEnabled              : True
Description                            : {}
BccBlocked                             : False
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom                 : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers        : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers : {}
AddressListMembership                  : {\Default Global Address List,
                                         \GroupMailboxes(VLV), \All
                                         Recipients(VLV), \Groups(VLV)…}
AdministrativeUnits                    : {}
Alias                                  : all
OrganizationalUnit                     :
                                          Exchange Hosted Organizations/******
CustomAttribute1                       :
CustomAttribute10                      :
CustomAttribute11                      :
CustomAttribute12                      :
CustomAttribute13                      :
CustomAttribute14                      :
CustomAttribute15                      :
CustomAttribute2                       :
CustomAttribute3                       :
CustomAttribute4                       :
CustomAttribute5                       :
CustomAttribute6                       :
CustomAttribute7                       :
CustomAttribute8                       :
CustomAttribute9                       :
ExtensionCustomAttribute1              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute2              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute3              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute4              : {}
ExtensionCustomAttribute5              : {}
GrantSendOnBehalfTo                    : {}
ExternalDirectoryObjectId              : 4c001ab1-f883-41b9-8fc9-26765a852fb9
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled          : False
LastExchangeChangedTime                :
LegacyExchangeDN                       : /o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange
                                         Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)
MaxSendSize                            : 35 MB (36,700,160 bytes)
MaxReceiveSize                         : 36 MB (37,748,736 bytes)
PoliciesIncluded                       : {}
PoliciesExcluded                       : {{26491cfc-9e50-4857-861b-0cb8df22b5d7
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled              : False
RecipientType                          : MailUniversalDistributionGroup
RecipientTypeDetails                   : GroupMailbox
RejectMessagesFrom                     : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers            : {}
RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers     : {}
MailTip                                :
MailTipTranslations                    : {}
Identity                               : all_4c001ab1-f883-41b9-8fc9-26765a852f
Id                                     : all_4c001ab1-f883-41b9-8fc9-26765a852f
IsValid                                : True
ExchangeVersion                        : 0.10 (
DistinguishedName                      : CN=all_4c001ab1-f883-41b9-8fc9-26765a8
                                         OU=Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizat
ObjectCategory                         :
ObjectClass                            : {top, group}
WhenChanged                            : 12/11/2020 11:32:43 AM
WhenCreated                            : 12/3/2020 11:58:37 AM
WhenChangedUTC                         : 12/11/2020 4:32:43 PM
WhenCreatedUTC                         : 12/3/2020 4:58:37 PM
ExchangeObjectId                       : ebc6953a-f46a-4aed-ab54-ea71ca494863
OrganizationId                         :
                                          Exchange Hosted Organizations/***** -
Guid                                   : ebc6953a-f46a-4aed-ab54-ea71ca494863
OriginatingServer                      :
ObjectState                            : Changed


I should also note that the messages being rejected are being sent by an automated system sending via Sendgrid.

Based on your original question, I thought you *didnt* want external messages to the group? If you do want to enable this, toggle the RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled flag. If you want to only allow messages from specific external addresses, best create a Mail flow rule.

@VasilMichev Appreciate the help.  Some of your questioning led me to look into some items further.


What I have is several "external" systems that I want to be able to email distribution lists/groups.  Those systems do not authenticate but rather send via SendGrid.


For now I think I have it accomplishing what I wanted by allowing "external" senders, but then creating a dynamic distribution list with all users/groups and then it has allowed the message to be sent.


I'm not sure if this is the best way to accomplish this or not, but for now, it seems to be working.


best response confirmed by dcmoody (Copper Contributor)

Either Dynamic DG or O365 Group would do, the problem is that *everyone* can send messages to it once you toggle the flag. To restrict this, the best option would be to use Mail flow rules, as they give you a lot of freedom in terms of conditions you can use to "match" the sender.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by dcmoody (Copper Contributor)

Either Dynamic DG or O365 Group would do, the problem is that *everyone* can send messages to it once you toggle the flag. To restrict this, the best option would be to use Mail flow rules, as they give you a lot of freedom in terms of conditions you can use to "match" the sender.

View solution in original post