Jul 06 2020 12:20 PM
Dear all,
I trust you are all well and safe.
I am struggling with my issue since few days now. I was cleaning a lot of files from my account (premium 365) and it then stopped and since then, I can't access to my files anymore. I could still do a synchro but not anymore.
It is very stressing situation. I have not much knowledges to understand all but here's the facts.
1) I use Edge and used to use Chrome too and never had any issue for the past year.
2) I tried Firefox too.
3) I cleaned cookies, disconnected from the account from pc and mobile.
4) Now when I try to connect from the app or from office.com, I get this message most of the time "something's not right" and this in my browser bar
5) I've been told that my rights are no longer valid (?). I don't understand what this means and since I am the only user....
6) when I have the chance to somehow connect, I see the main page with the main folders but instead of seeing the typical blue bar on top, it's black. Each time I try to open a folder, it says "listing not found". Try later..... or again
I ve sent a request to Microsoft but I am very scared about my files.
Anyone can help I am very grateful.
Jul 06 2020 12:26 PM