Feb 03 2021 05:11 AM
Hi All
I have 3 filtering scenarios that i'm having a few issues resolving:
1. Within web Outlook 0365 i'm trying to filter out all messages to another folder that arrive between 23:00 - 02:00 into the inbox, is this possible as I see a date option but not time ?
2. I have a distribution list that is embedded within another distribution list. Some mails need to be actioned whereas others do not so I cannot filter out the 'parent' distribution list. Is there a filter that can target just my embedded distribution list rather than the 'parent' distribution list.
3. Also my distribution list is part of a corporate bcc that I do not need to be a part, understand this should be removed at source however is there functionality to filter bcc's out.
Not sure these limitations are because of the Outlook version being used, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks