Infinite (nested) subpages hierarchy

Infinite (nested) subpages hierarchy



 Jul 26 2021
1 Comments (1 New)

Currently OneNote have a 5 layer deep possible hierarchy for a given Notebook:

  1. section group.
  2. section.
  3. page.
  4. subpage (with collapsible option).
  5. sub-subpage (without collapsible option).

I cannot see why not to add infinite nested pages. It will give users the full control of their organization of notes. 

Another option is to add a type of page (say "hierarchy page") which allowed to have infinite nesting of pages. 



Hi, we apologize for the confusion where to post your OneNote feedback. This community was intended to be a temporary location to submit product feature suggestions between Microsoft moving off of UserVoice and the release of Microsoft's official Feedback portal app. Now that the latter is released, we encourage you to resubmit this great suggestion on the official OneNote Feedback portal at OneNote · Community (

Kind regards,


Microsoft 365 Developer Platform community steward