At the moment, email alerts in Outlook are only triggered for emails that come into the inbox.
As a result, you must either:
* setup rules to organise emails
* want to receive notifications about inbound mail.
For automated alert emails, the desktop notifications are a must, but as a result, my inbox gets flooded with automated emails and takes time to require sorting.
Functionality to be able to add outlook rules that _still_ send desktop alerts means I can send 'alert' emails to another inbox, but still get notifications.
This would have several benefits:
* Emails don't need manual filtering after being received
* Batches of emails from the same service that are put into a folder can be 'marked as read' or deleted easily
* Emails that are put into folder via rules are not missed due to lack of notification.
I imainge that a new 'action' on the email rules to 'trigger a desktop notification' would sort this perfectly.