有關稽核同意放行功能在手機(IOS Android)上面有此功能

有關稽核同意放行功能在手機(IOS Android)上面有此功能



 Aug 29 2023
1 Comments (1 New)

請協助增加Exchange 稽核信件時,同意或不同意放行的功能在手機(IOS Android)上面有此這功能。
主因是:我記得Exchange Server 2010版本時,就有出稽核信件的功能,當時那個年代是沒有手持式的裝置,而經過很多年後,手機上市已有很長時間,所以被稽核信件,如能在手機上同意或不同意的功能,可增加大大使用好處,由其是公司做國際生意的公司,更是需要由手機放行的需求。






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Title:Hope the feature regarding  audit emails for Approval/Reject button action   can  develop & launch  on Android & IOS Outlook Mobile App



Please help to  add 'Approval/Reject button action' in emails  for Android & IOS Outlook Mobile App. 

Main Concern: I still remember  when using Exchange Server 2010 version, have   this kind of  feature to benefits admin  when manage  emails. On that era, modern mobile phone  is not come out yet in global market, but after  few  years, mobile phone is   lanuched out and become a very important  things in our daily life and daily mails operation. So when admin need to audit and manage those emails,  if Microsoft can  develop & launch  ''Approval/Reject button '' on Android & IOS Outlook Mobile App can brings a greatest  benefits  to global tenants especially for those  MNC Company.


Another  important reason for us to need this feature is because  nowadays a lots of spam/phishing/malware emails,  so we need to audits those  emails by   createa rule  to detect specific  keyword, then admin can immediately approve/reject those emails on Outlook mobile app , in the end can reduce thos kind of phishing emails activity. If let say your Microsoft  dont consider to come out this feature in  Outlook mobile app, that's means your guys is support this phishing acitivty indirectly, hope Microsoft can really consider the impacts.


Again i really hope Micorosft can really consider to come out this feature ''Approval/Reject button email  on Android & IOS Outlook Mobile App'' when email need  match the rule condition to pending approval/reject action from admin side. This is not just my personal benefits or concern,  as your can see other  MS Tenants also voice out this feature  in MS forum [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/approvereject-button-outlook-mobile-ios/3a...]


Again, Please   consider  the request raise out by  us. Thanks!