Servicing Profiles not doing anything

Copper Contributor



I have had the Inventory enabled for some time now (a few months) - all my devices are listed.


My devices are HAADJ via autopilot.


2 days ago I enabled the Servicing Profile - it seems none of my devices have updated & are stuck as "not started".


I checked this key: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\C2RSvcMgr & have ServiceProfileId populated.


However, I have noticed this key does not exist: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\cloud\office\16.0\Common\officeupdate which has been mentioned in the Microsoft deep dive videos.


Any help appreciated.

3 Replies
Have you configured rollout waves? If yes, do you see devices listed as being slated for wave 1?

On the "devices" tab, please click on a few devices to open the details pane. On the top right there is an entry "Last seen". Is this mor recent than your enablement of the Servicing Profiles?



Yes - We have configured rollout waves. The devices labelled as wave 1 are correct.


Devices have checked in this morning. Interestingly since I posted this, 5 devices from wave 1 are "in progress".


I thought as it says "Rollout start date: 19/08/2022" - it would have just gone straight to wave 1 and 2 as my "days between each wave" is 5 days which brings it to 24/08/2022, deadline is set to 1 day.


1 device is up to date (done manually) & has been on all day but not checked in. Starting the "Office Serviceability Manager" task in Task Schedular hasn't forced check-in.

@DumbySysadmin The rollout date is related to the initial release of a new update. Usually this is the point in time when the Wave calculation starts. If you alter the configuration of the Servicing Profile, we have to re-calc all devices and the waves start to count from the day of the updated configuration.


How are things coming along? Is Wave 1 in progress now and Wave 2 just started?