Apr 02 2019 09:35 PM
Would someone help me to understand what is going on with Outlook for Windows 10? I've confused myself by going around in circles looking for an answer.
I broke my laptop yesterday and my nice shiny new machine has fresh software along with its new smell.
However I was using Outlook 2016 and I was able to send emails to Outlook for filing, create meeting notes and do all sorts of things to get emails out of my inbox. There were buttons to send to Outlook and life was quite lovely. I understand that Outlook for Windows 10 is not Outlook 2016 and there are features not yet implemented in the latest version.
What I am trying to understand is whether the integration features that I seem to have "lost" are part of the "not yet implemented" features or am I just being a fool and not understanding where to get the buttons which were very very handy to have.
I hope I am making my question clear - my brain is hurting trying to sort this out.
Jun 12 2019 06:18 PM
Thanks for flagging this.
The "Send to OneNote" button seems to work, but there is a delay between the send and the time the item shows up on OneNote Win10. That makes me think that Outlook is sending the item to OneNote online and it is then syncing down to OneNote Win10.
I'm not in a position to try it right now, but I wonder how this will work when I am not online. I sometimes pull down my emails, then process them while in an environment with no WiFi. With OneNote 2016 you could send something over when offline, then let it sync "up" when connected. Now I suspect that all syncing will be "down" instead.
Jun 12 2019 07:58 PM
Yes, you are correct in saying that Outlook sends it to OneNote Online and then it syncs down to the OneNote for Windows 10 app. Basically that is how the OneNote app functions - a client for OneNote Online - similar to how Outlook is a client for accessing email.
OneNote 2016 works the same way, plus it has the option of creating offline only notebooks. Problem is you can only access them on that one computer, and if the notebooks aren't backed up and something happens to your computer, well say bye bye to your notebooks.
The other reason for Microsoft's "online" strategy is so that it's apps and services can become cross-platform. I would assume the "Send to OneNote" feature will appear in Outlook for Andriod and iOS anytime soon!
To address your concern - if using the OneNote app offline at some point, the alternate solution would be to print out the email to OneNote using the OneNote printer, not as nice the "Send to OneNote" feature but does the job all the same.
Hope that helps 🙂
Jun 12 2019 08:27 PM
Thanks. I'm familiar with all that, but I don't think it's correct to say that OneNote 2016 "works the same way" as OneNote Win10 in this regard. ON-2016 and ON-Win10 both allow the use of cached notebooks offline, just like Outlook allows the use of a cached copy of the mailbox. But when offline with ON-2016, one could send an email to ON and it would land in the cached file, then be synced up at the next opportunity. When offline with ON-Win10, you can operate both programs offline but the "send" function won't work.
I don't really agree with the idea that the old (OneNote 2016) strategy was somehow overly risky or limited to one computer. It was easy to use online notebooks with ON-2016 and have them cached/synched to whatever computer you happened to be using. The risk of "loss of work" from a crash was no greater in that scenario than it is when using ON-Win10 offline.
Still, I wonder why MS can't make Send to OneNote work the same was a the OneNote printer driver? I know it's not the same process (what with attachments and all) but it would be nice.
Jun 13 2019 11:52 AM
Jun 13 2019 11:56 AM
Jun 13 2019 11:57 AM
Jun 13 2019 12:00 PM
Jun 17 2019 01:25 AM
Jul 18 2019 02:07 AM
It took me a while to workout what was wrong here.
I did a reinstall of office and onenote integration to outlook disappeared.
Additionally one lost all functionality to tag and looked like a cutback version.
It seems Microsoft has decided to finish Onenote 2016 and move to Onenote 10 as the default version. Fair enough... but Onenote 10 does not have the integrations to outlook or tags etc. From what i can read this will be added back into Onenote 10 during Q4 2019.
I have therefore reloaded onenote 2016 to run alongside Onenote 10 and i will swap over when onenote 10 catches up with 2016 functionality. Microsoft must have their reasons for doing this but i cant think of a good one....
Here is the link to MS page and onenote 2016 download and explaination.
Jul 19 2019 09:50 AM
I reverted back to using OneNote 2016's Send to OneNote by
1. Uninstall the Window 10 OneNote store app
2. Disable "Use Send to OneNote with OneNote for Windows 10" option inside Outlook > Options > Advanced > Other
3. Remove the "Send to OneNote" Outlook > Get Add-ins > My add-ins
4. Enable "Use Send to OneNote with OneNote for Windows 10" option inside Outlook > Options > Advanced > Other again
Oct 18 2019 07:34 AM
What about calendar entries. I create meeting notes with the one click option in outlook (to one note 2016).
Oct 20 2019 03:58 PM
There is an option in OneNote for Windows 10:
Insert > Meeting Details
Select your meeting from the list and it adds the meeting details into a new OneNote page.
Then you can chose to share the page or send a copy of the page if you wish.
Oct 21 2019 07:49 AM
Thank you! Not as nice as having a "button" in Outlook but it is a adequate work around for me.