Inquietudes con microsoft 365 / Microsoft 365 Concerns

Copper Contributor

Hola, es para preguntar dos cosas: / Hello, it is to ask two things:

- Como hago a que a todos los usuarios de mi organización les salga en office web sus nombres seguido al saludo, ej.: "Buenas tardes, Admin". Porque en estos momentos solo sale el saludo, y no su nombre. (Marcado color verde) / How do I get all the users in my organization to see their names in the web office followed by the greeting, eg: "Good afternoon, Admin". Because right now only the greeting comes out, and not his name. (marked green)


- Como observo las actividades, dispositivos usados y/o el uso de apps por usuario, ya que en la sección "informes de uso" no me muestra sus nombres, solamente "unknown", y quisiera saber cual es cada usuario. (Marcado color verde). / How do I observe the activities, devices used and/or the use of apps by user, since in the "usage reports" section it does not show me their names, only "unknown", and I would like to know who each user is. (marked green).


Gracias, espero respuesta. / Thanks, I wait answer.

1 Reply
1) You cannot, said greeting does not include the user name and is not customizable
2) You likely have the "anonymization" setting toggled: