Collating all OneNote 'to do's'

Copper Contributor

I was recently asked by a customer to see if its possible to collate all the OneNote to do's she's set up across sections and pages. I don't think there's any feature that does this, but can someone clarify this?




2 Replies
Absolutely possible using Tag summary. Typically, to-dos are created with the ToDo tag. Tag summary will pull all the tags into one view. If you like, at the bottom of the summary, you can create a summary page. Remember that this page is a static view, though, and will not update as you add more items. You may want to create a summary page every once and a while to see updated lists
I'd really like to see this feature added. I want a dynamic list of open ToDo items that I can see on a single page. As I check it off, it should be updated back on the source page as checked (complete) and disappear from the summary/list page. As it is now, I have open ToDos on several pages and need a Tag summary to generate the list, but it isn't dynamic. This should be easily doable within the product.