Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal NOT WORKING

Copper Contributor

I m trying to delist a new server of our company and the Anti-Spam delist is not working.

This is the message: 


Step 1: Our messaging service has experienced a temporary issue, please resubmit your information below.


I tryed several times.

Can anyone tell me if there is another way.

Microsoft Please Fix this. 





10 Replies


me to same problem



Me as well...Pretty lame that a company the size of Microsoft can't fix this....



Still not working... thank you Microsoft
Me as well. Still not working.
Delist portal does not work and Microsoft does not answer to the email I sent. This is causing a notable money loss because that's the customercare address and customers are waiting for answers

As of 2023.01.13, the Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal NOT WORKING


Please fix this.




As of 2023.01.13, the Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal NOT WORKING.  Please fix this.




Hello, 5 days that I'm waiting and there is always the same error message without any solution from MICROSOFT.... Where is the developpers of this "little" firm ?!
the Office 365 Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal NOT WORKING : "Our messaging service has experienced a temporary issue, please resubmit your information below."
PLEASE, Microsoft fix it !!!!