Network Configuration Operators - Intune - Not working

Copper Contributor

Hi All,


I have been doing some testing with intune and local user groups. 


I have managed to get non-admin user accounts to remove them from the local admin groups and also added Admin accounts to the local admin group.


There is some uses in our organisation that require access to change their network settings (they are network engineers) I have managed to create a PS script with intune that puts the users in the network configuration operators group which I can see has populated. However when the user goes to change their IP they get the UAC prompt (expected) and they put their standard user (in the NCO group) credentials in. However windows 11 just kicks back another UAC prompt. No error message.


Anyone else use network configuration operators on Windows 11?


Thanks for any help offered.

4 Replies

Did you ever figure out this issue?  I am getting a UAC prompt but then I am getting an error saying I don't have permissions.  I am using a CSP (RestrictedGroups Policy CSP - Windows Client Management | Microsoft Learn) instead of a Powershell script.




How's your PS script? Run as admin or other user?

CJacksonEVD did you find a solution to this?
I too would like to know what the solution would be.
Adding the standard user to the Local Group of network configuration operators and getting the UAC prompt but after entering the creds of the standard user; it says permissions denied and UAC just Cycles 3 times before giving up.