May 18 2023 12:45 AM
I have some address mail like this "name.ext@mydomain". I would like to create a DDG with all these users. But if I try to use this command:
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity "myDDG" -RecipientFilter "(windowsliveid -like '*.ext@mydomain')"
it fails because the * it's not valid as first character.
How can I filter all the ext users and add them to my DDG?
May 18 2023 01:04 AM
May 18 2023 03:23 AM
if I use -match this is the error:
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'RecipientFilter'. Cannot convert value "(windowsliveid -match '.email address removed for privacy reasons')" to type
"System.String". Error: ""-match" is not a valid operator. For a list of supported operators see the command help.
I use "ext" only as example, they are not guests users.