Global Reader role to be able to view audit logs - error don't have the right permissions

Iron Contributor

I asked my Global Administrator to add my administrator account to be a Global Reader.

I would like to read the audit logs.

I have logged out of the webbrowser and it has been over an hour since I was granted this access.

I have had my account for over a year.

I am going to Microsoft 365 Compliance, Audit, search.

Before I was given Global Reader, I could get to this area but the search button was grayed out.

Now I can enter a search query.


I fill in the details and I get an error after I click on the search button.



Looks like you don't have the right permissions to view this page or this feature isn't part of your organization's Microsoft 365 subscription. To get access, contact the person who assigns permissions or makes purchasing decisions. If you're a new user or were recently assigned permissions, try again in 15 minutes.



1 Reply
The role on its own is not sufficient, as detailed here:
Refer to the article above and the references therein to find the best role for your scenario (something like Report Reader would do, or you can grant direct permissions in the SCC).