Delete User and Delegate Profile/Data with Powershell

Copper Contributor

Hello Everybody,


i want to ask if someone have an idea how i can set the tasks for delegating data of an removed-user to another person by PowerShell (or Flow)


I want to set these steps by Powershell, is that possible?

2020-06-02 08_11_03-Window.png

3 Replies

It is, however you will have to use cmdlets from different PowerShell modules, and/or use the corresponding Graph endpoints. License management can be done via the MSOnline/Azure AD module or the Graph API. Mailbox permissions/email address management/forwarding can be configured via the Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlets. Delegating OneDrive can be done via SPO PowerShell.


thank you for the fast response


I found sample scripts for licensing and exchange delegation.


But not for the OneDrive Delegation Functions.


Do you have some examples or Links for me?