Azure Command Line Interface to manage Azure Service Bus resources?
Published Mar 15 2019 12:33 PM 1,116 Views
First published on on Mar 15, 2018
We are excited to announce the Azure CLI 2.0 support for Azure Service Bus . Interact with your Azure Resource Manager and management endpoints of Service Bus using the CLI commands. Manage you Geo-DR configurations or CRUD on your resources and entities, we have all these fully supported.
How easy is this?
Here's a couple examples,
Create a Service Bus Namespace
az servicebus namespace create --resource-group myresourcegroup --name mynamespace --location westus --tags tag1=value1 tag2=value2 --sku Standard

Delete a topic auth-rule
az servicebus topic authorization-rule delete --resource-group myresourcegroup --namespace-name mynamespace --topic-name mytopic --name myauthorule

Invoke a failover to your secondary
az servicebus georecovery-alias fail-over --resource-group myresourcegroup --namespace-name secondarynamespace --alias myaliasname

All these and more. Explore the various resource management operations this functionality provides and let us know what you think.

Happy message-ing!
Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 08 2020 01:01 PM
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