Mesh Build and Upload failed because of "content performance"?

Copper Contributor

Mesh Build and Upload failed because of "content performance"?

I took the mesh toolkit sample project Mesh101 and created my own scene and copied over the basic rig.

i have a cad model in there but nothing my Occulus or HTC vive cannot handle perfectly.

the strange thing is even though i disable everything i then try to build to mesh it still complains about this content error.

when i switch back to "Starter Project" or "Finished Project"

e.g. the scenes used in the Mesh Toolkit 101 basic training

it builds and uploads to mesh perfectly fine.

Any insight here?


2 Replies



Open the Content Performance Analyzer:




and then Run All to pinpoint where the issue is:




thanks that worked but only for windows build.
im getting a new error for the Android build

Shader error in 'Universal Render Pipeline/Terrain/Lit': maximum ps_5_0 sampler register index (16)

Looks like LightCookieInput shader from URP is breaking some of the rules in the build for mesh.

How do i fix this im not a unity pro

Error building Player: Shader error in 'Universal Render Pipeline/Terrain/Lit': maximum ps_5_0 sampler register index (16) exceeded at /org/cadtounity/Mesh-Toolkit-Unity/Mesh101/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@14.0.8/ShaderLibrary/LightCookie/LightCookieInput.hlsl(9) (on gles)