FAQ: Staggered Private Offers accepted and activated at the same time


Q: Is it possible to have two offers activated on the same date but with different start dates to fulfill my step-in/built-in upsell scenario. Specifically, I want to know if this is possible:

  • Create two private offers:
    1. One $10/month for 6 months, starting Jan 1 2024 (for example)
    2. One $30/month for 30 months, starting June 1 2024 (6 months later, using "start date feature")
    3. Both accepted by the customer & activated by the partner at the same time but the billing of one starts immediately and the 2nd 6 months later.
  • As a follow-up, would the Feb 2024 invoice, for example, have one line or two?


A: The private offers will need to be set up on different public plans, and the customer will have to create the second subscription for June 2024 billing once the second private offer starts.  In this case, the partner has to then activate the subscription at that later date - it is impossible to activate a subscription before the start date. The second subscription should only be created once the private offer has started. You should create a support ticket if you need help with modeling or creating these private offers, and our Commercial Marketplace Services team should be able to assist.


Private offers allows ISVs to customize price for a given product/plan for a given duration (determined by start/end date). If you use the same plan to create two private offers with overlapping duration, then Marketplace will do the best price logic and charge the customer with the lowest price.



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