Could not create the marketplace item

Copper Contributor

I created offer, offer is in preview status.


I tried to purchase the SaaS offer to test my offer, but in Azure Portal preview message is "Could not create the marketplace item. This marketplace item is not available."




5 Replies
We have a market place but ours is a transactable offer, but the way we tested our offer before going live, was so create a second Azure subscription and add that subscription as a private offer, then we were able to deploy the offer before going live in the other subscription... hope this helps...
I tried this as well but still facing same issue

@hemantashok are you still experiencing an issue with this? Or can you now create the marketplace item?

@justinroyal I am still facing same issue

Hello Hemantashok - it's something that I have already seen in the past.
- One easy way is to consider this as a bug. So you just add a small space somewhere in your product description and click on publish again. It'll create a new preview and there you can see if the issue is recurring.
- Other routes : Are you buying through CSP Azure ?
- Do you have public plan ? or only private ones ?