Hybrid Cloud Management




Thank you so much for attending my talk, I really enjoyed chatting with you all.   For some further resources please check out the following: 


Find out more about Windows Admin Centre - https://aka.ms/hybrid-wac 

Download Windows Admin Centre - https://aka.ms/wacdownload


Azure Arc – Azure management | Microsoft Azure


Azure Automation Update Management overview | Microsoft Docs


Azure Security Center | Microsoft Azure

Protect multi-cloud workloads with new Azure security innovations | Azure blog and updates | Microso...


Overview of Azure Policy - Azure Policy | Microsoft Docs

Built-in policy definitions for Azure Arc enabled servers - Azure Arc | Microsoft Docs


Cloud Adoption Framework | Azure Enablement Show - https://aka.ms/sarah-caf 


Azure Hybrid Capabilities - https://aka.ms/sarah-hybrid


Azure Architecture Centre - https://aka.ms/AzureAC 


Let's stay in touch!

- Connect on Twitter
- Sarah Lean - @Techielass 
- Connect on LinkedIn (please include a personalised message telling me how we met)
- YouTube Channel 



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