UPNs and primary smtp

Steel Contributor

When you switch Yammer to O365 identities, does Yammer start using the UPN as the primary piece it's syncing instead of the primary smtp email (which we use in today's SSO/DSYnc world)?

4 Replies

To provide some more context to my question, internally we do not keep our primary smtp email addresses and UPNs in sync.  When you switch to O365 identities for Yammer, or with O365 in general, will this cause issues (not having primary smtp and upn in sync)? 

@Joe Palarchio explains what happens some of things that happen when you don't keep them in sync at https://blogs.perficient.com/microsoft/2015/07/office-365-why-your-upn-should-match-your-primary-smt....

Unfortunately for you, he does not discuss the impacts to Yammer.

Can I ask why you don't?

We make this a mandatory step for all customers before we begin their Office 365 deployments as leaving them separate has a couple of key rammifications:

- issues with Free/Busy lookup in hybrid deployments

- varying in sign-in experiences between Active Directory and cloud services can lead to user confusion & frustration, increase in support cases (supporting users in getting over the confusion as well as unlocking their account when they get things wrong)

Sounds like there are various activities from different groups that can trigger changes to an email.  Our goals is to understand what all those are and keep in sync but seems to be a very cumbersome task at the moment.