Nov 12 2018 12:43 PM
I hate having to change my password. I hate it because I have to type the password in over 50 times to have it changed. Yes, over 50 times! So far I've typed it in 23 times and this is just on my main laptop. Not only am I still having problems here, I still have my phone, two iPads and my Surface Pro to update. It is a nightmare.
I have to change my password through a browser, Outlook and Skype for Business. I've had to change it for ON 2016 five times. OneDrive is failing to sync - there is no 'change password' option/button/link as with Word etc. With these you have to wait, close, logout, shutdown or some other completely unreasonable 'break' for a dialogue box to pop and ask you for a password …. again.
It is TOTALLY unreasonable of MS to push people to the cloud if you cannot get the most fundamental aspect of authentication to work. MS cannot say you have not had feedback, I personally have been giving this feedback for YEARS.
So MS, instead of updating icons and changing colours and making other totally annoying changes to the UI (which further degrade productivity), why don't you please attend to this fundamental feature and fix the sign on issue?
Nov 12 2018 12:54 PM
Nov 12 2018 02:50 PM
@ChrisWebbTech, you're right, I am not across Passwordless sign on 'coming soon'. Nor other 'tid bit's'. But I am across the pain I expereince every 90 days when I have to change passwords.
Further, doomsday is your word, nightmare is mine. For me it's been a nightmare for years in spite of so many 'coming soons'. That said, I am hopeful that this particular 'coming soon' will deliver the goods.
In the meantime, if there are set-up approaches to deliver a 'proper Seamless Sign-On' I'd be grateful if you could explicate these.
With thanks
Nov 12 2018 02:54 PM
Nov 12 2018 02:55 PM - edited Nov 12 2018 02:58 PM
Thank you, I will.
From the documentation "Single Sign-On (Seamless SSO) automatically signs in users when they are on their corporate desktops that are connected to your corporate network."
Sadly that's not applicable to me.
Nov 13 2018 09:08 PM - edited Nov 13 2018 09:08 PM
Just to give you more of a sense of this lunacy, here we are the afternoon of the day after password change and, on returning from a meeting I'm greeted by three MS O365 login dialogue boxes ... again.
Nov 13 2018 09:15 PM
Nov 13 2018 09:24 PM - edited Nov 13 2018 09:34 PM
I had though modern authentication was the default for O365?
I took away from the link you provided yesterday that 'seamless sign-on' was only applicable to computers connected to a corporate network?
Perhaps I am missing something?
Dec 09 2018 07:41 AM